Saturday, February 2, 2008

UPDATE: Grand, Gipper in (pardon the pun) Dead Heat!

In a startling development, GOP kingmaker Bob Grand has pulled into a statistical dead heat with GOP Icon Ronald Reagan. Both are polling at 35% in the most recent review of the Weird Pro poll.

Former President, Environmentalist, and Rough Rider, Teddy Roosevelt, is in second place with a solid 21% followed by Republican Party Father and The "Great Emancipator", Abraham Lincoln, in third with 7%.

Former body-builder-turned-movie-action-hero-turned-California-Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has yet to gain traction garnering nil, nada, zip -- not a single, solitary vote ... but, like Rambo, don't count the "Governator" out. Our California colleagues tell us that "He'll be back."

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