Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Pols, flacks, significant others watch returns and consume adult beverages at Faulkner/Ice Miller event in Indianapolis.

OK, so this isn't the actual tumbleweed technology that we thought we had. It appears that you still need good connectivity to the internet to make live blogging really work ... And if you want to blog from the cellphone it helps if you charge the battery before you leave.

Still in all, what a great night for Pol watchers and those of interested in the process.

Faulkner Strategies and Ice Miller put on quite a nice spread with a couple of free drinks and some great munchies ...

Seen in the Crowd ...

Several notable pols and pundits were in attendence, notably Brian Howey of the Howey Political Report, CD 07 Candidate and State Rep. John Elrod, and Rep. Sean Eberhard of Shelbyville, among others.

Ft Wayne Blogger "Angry White Boy" and our own contributors Josh Gillespie, Kurt Luidhardt (and Kristen, of course), and Jacob Perry were also there, along with Jim Banks and his lovely bride, Amanda.

Marion County Chair, Tom John was working the room as were some of the new Mayor's staff ... Angel Rivera and Todd Tolson (who showed up fresh from his work-out, in what can only be described as, well, sweats) we also observed working the bar ...

In a second blunder of biblical proportions, we forgot the batteries for the digital camera so we have no photographic evidence to prove our claim that everybody had a really great time... but hey, if we can rip somebody else's pix off, we will.

Special thanks to the Claddaugh and their hard workin' staff and Mark Shublak of Ice Miller. HT/ Tim and Doris Anne Sadler.

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