Thursday, April 10, 2008

OBAMA vs. HIL in Battle of the Bands: Obama may have Dave Matthews, but the Hil-sters got Elton John!

Can you say, My Rock-Star's Bigger than your Rock-Star?

He may be old, a little pudgy, and gay, but he is a Knight of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, or whatever, and he did sing at Princess Di's Funeral ... Top that, Dave.

Sir Elton John did a concert at NEW YORK CITY's Radio City Music Hall for the Hil-ster and her campaign wasted no time in telling everybody about the cool $2.5 mil they raked in last night.

Far be it from your humble Dumpster Diver to make shameless comparisons on the overall value of pop music (except for our hero, Weird Al Yankovic), but among insiders, and the fashionistas over at Go Fug Yourself, I gotta believe that Sir Elton tips the scale in the Hil-sters favor. And what a perk for Bill and Chel!

The consensus here at the WPBCHQ is that SEJ @ RCMH trumps DMB @ IUB, but we can be bought, er, persuaded if you DMB fans want to weigh in. It's always open-thread Thursday here!

1 comment:

Sir Hailstone said...

Now we just need McCain to get someone like Toby Keith or Darryl Worley and we'll have the tri-fecta.