Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Senator Byrd, Sir, you're drooling on yourself ... Sir, wake up

Who can for get that memorable moment?

Who can forget that great TV moment when, during an impassioned speech from the Senate floor, Harry Reid is upstaged on C-SPAN by a sleeping Robert Byrd seated just behind and over Reid's shoulder, clearly visible to the cameras!

I was reading through some of the online information sources I use, (a few of which I actually enjoy) when I came upon this item at WhatHillPeopleLike regarding the "Gentleman from West Virginia" (that's West, By G-d, Ver-gin-knee-yah, for us dialectically-challenged Midwesterners). They bring a different perspective to the good senator.

Worth a few minutes of your time to read and get a few chuckles from.

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